Sunday, March 16, 2014

Besides the important thing to note is how laid pollen from the male

Besides the important thing to note is how laid pollen from the male parent to the top of the stigma of the female parent , and be on guard until the fall of the stigma pollen from other plants that are not desired nor from the same pBuka-bukaan.comBisnis Online Sederhana Hasil Dahsyat Modal Hemat lant . Therefore , after pollination of flowers covered / wrapped in plastic to prevent terserbuku other flowers and undamaged ) .


3.1 Materials and Equipment
1 . Corn crop2 . scissors3 . Males Flower Pouch Cover4 . Females Flower Pouch Cover5 . Clip / Isolation6 . Label ( which is not easily damaged paper and ink that is not easy to fade )
3.2 Method of Corn Pollination In Plants
1 . Select individual plants to be used as a parent .2 . Close tassel with waterproof paper before cooking pollen .3 . Cut the corn cob end on female parents before the female flowers silk out of cornhusk then cover with waterproof paper .4 . If the female flowers are already resetif and pollen is ripe , cut the male flowers under the lid and shake so that the pollen out , open the female parent cob , cut the ends of silk about - about 2 inches above the former first cutting and doing self-pollinating female flowers close again immediately after pollinated .

Buka-bukaan.comBisnis Online Sederhana Hasil Dahsyat Modal Hemat 5 . Give label that contains the date of pollination , parental identity and name pollinators .6 . Pollination should be done several times so that all terserbuki silk .
Do some research first to get the results and discussion .Thank you so much berkunjunt may be useful.

Dahlan M , Formation of hybrid corn seed , hybrid seed production workshops Treatise , p 1-13 ( Malang : crop research Hall , 1992)
Lamadji , M.J. , L. Judge , and Rustidja . , 1999. Acceleration resilient agriculture through non-conventional breeding . Proceedings of the V Symposium on Plant Breeding . Peripi Komda East Java . p . 28-32 .
Posted by Caray

Plant breeding is an activity to change the genetic makeup of individuals and populations of plants for a purpose . Plant breeding is sometimes equated with plant breeding , plant maintain activities to propagate and maintain purity : in fBuka-bukaan.comBisnis Online Sederhana Hasil Dahsyat Modal Hematact , breeding activity is part of the breeding . In addition to doing the breeding , breeding tried to improve the genetic quality of the plants in order to obtain more useful .
Knowledge of the behavior of plant biology and experience in the cultivation of plants is the most determine the success of breeding efforts , so that the text books often refer to as the art of plant breeding and plant science for the benefit of fixing human ancestry . [ 1 ] In college , regular plant breeding is considered as a branch of agronomy ( the science of crop production ) or applied genetics , because of the nature multidisiplinernya .
Performers are called plant breeders plant breeding . Because of his knowledge , a plant breeder usually also mastered agronomy and genetics . The key task of assembling a plant breeder is better cultivars : [ 2 ] have distinctive characteristics and more beneficial to the growers .
Application superior cultivars of rice and wheat is one of the important components in the Green Revolution , [ 3 ] a package of mass use of modern technology to boost world food production , especially wheat bread , corn , and rice . Seen from the point of view of agribusiness , plant breeding is part of the seed business , who finished early / upstream of the overall agricultural industry chain .
Labels : Agriculture
RadhiAnsar Muhammad said ...

Add Reference Gan . . .

Buka-bukaan.comBisnis Online Sederhana Hasil Dahsyat Modal Hemat
20 April 2013 01:14

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